
Monday, May 17, 2010


I have shifted into a new awakening or should I say, wiped off the last layer of cobwebs that I apathetically allowed to grow over my eyes in painful years past. I am sniffing around the web and many light workers are feeling despair right now, some to the point of considering checking out completely. A few months ago I could have joined them, also feeling the weight of this existence, though I'm happy to say that has changed. Something has switched on inside of me, which I can only describe as a light that refuses to be extinguished. The brightness of the light can be obscured by dust and veils of illusion that we allow to creep in. Doubt, pain, disappointment. But we must keep on cleansing the vessel that contains our light, and being ever vigilant now about keeping it pure. If I sound militant and fanatical it's because I am! These times require a strong heart and a lion's courage. Let the past drop away and get active about dreaming in a new existence. The time is NOW.

I have been considering all of the ways I can make my living more sustainable again. I am sick to death of plastic, it is everywhere. A huge conscious effort must be made in order to distance myself from it as much as possible. I don't use that much disposable stuff, but the little I do use now seems like too much. Anything seems like too much and it's going to require a reorganization of my life to some degree, which I'll be most happy to do. It's been something I've been meaning to get back to for a long time now, and there's no more excuses left. I'm even researching the wooden toothbrushes I used to use. Using a plastic toothbrush for a few months and then throwing the whole thing away only to get another one seems insane. Paper napkins seem stupid when you can have pretty cloth ones and just wash them. Simple yet powerful changes. I have a feeling this reawakening has been brought on by cleansing internally. Your inside state reflects your outside world so make it beautiful and inspiring!

Bamboo Water Bottle:
You can only get it in bulk, wonder if I can find this anywhere else??

Brooks Pearwood Toothbrush:
There is another brand also but this one is softer.

Cloth Moontime Pads:
These are pretty and the price is great. I had used my old ones for YEARS before they became unusable. So much more comfortable and the investment pays off in a couple months anyway.

Jute sacks for Produce and bulk:
You know the thin plastic bulk bags? They annoy me because I get so much produce and bulk. I try to recycle them but do they really get recycled? I'm considering getting these, I think a set of 6 or so would do.

Wooden Comb:
My longtime friend Lorianne has inspired me to look into this. The plastic bristles on my brush are all breaking off and I don't want to get another hunk of plastic to throw away next year. This will last forever and it's lovely. I could dot it with essential oils and run it through my hair and the wood would soak up the scent. Gorgeousness. These people also make wooden cutlery!

These are just a few replacements but think about if everyone did this. You would be living gently and your life would be filled with more light.


KMG said...

Hi there--I think I got to your blog through Lorianne's. Thanks for all the great links. I had no idea you could use bamboo for water bottles. I just got this one, which is easy to carry, without BPA plastic coating inside, and fully insulated so I can use it at coffee shops:

I go through periods of fatigue with "this world" (as I call it when I'm ranting!). It helps to see that other people feel it, too, and get past it, going back to feeling joy in life. What do you think pushed you towards the shift?

Shannon Lyn said...

Thanks, I'll check it out. I have one is either steel or aluminum, I feel like I resonate more with wood.
Right now I'm in school full time instead of work. Working over 50 hours a week at a job made me have to make exceptions for the sake of convenience that never resonated with my spirit. Doing that for years made me put a lot of things on the backburner which is no longer possible now. Definitely a good thing!

Lorianne Mariais said...

It's sillicone but I got to say, the second go at my mooncup was nothing short of ecstatic.. I got kinda pissed that I'd spent so many years in grief, discomfort and stained clothes..

And yes, those folks make wooden cutlery! Haven't ordered any but they were great with the comb and I still love it. I did sand the edges on the bristles a bit to smooth them down, but it's awesome. The Body Shop has a cheap detangling comb you might want to get, with wider and smoother teeth you can use when your hair is wet.

The bottles look good, too. I'd bought Chinese gourd seeds to make our own little cantines though they require alot of time and work.. Then there's the love bottles which are really cute :) Another good alternative are ceramic/clay bottles.