
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Ancient Egyptian wrinkle cream

"The standard anti wrinkle cream recipe in ancient Egypt include a teaspoon of sweet almond oil, and two drops of frankincense oil. This was gently massaged into the freshly cleansed skin each night. Almonds were very popular for cosmetics such as wrinkle creams in ancient Egypt. While the Egyptians mostly used the oil that they extracted from bitter almonds, the common anti wrinkle variation on this recipe includes sweet almond oil. This is especially true for its aromatherapy use. Its smell is mild and its texture light, so it absorbs quickly into skin."

Frankincense essential oil has also helped some people overcome skin cancer naturally. It smells heavenly and is protective, calming and elevates spiritual vibrations, banishing negativity. I burn arabian frankincense and it never fails to clear the space and make it feel almost like a temple.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Massage learnings and pretty silvery belly bidness

Today I finished a bunch of projects for my massage therapy class. Not anything major due now for a week, so I can concentrate on MUSCLES and then some more MUSCLES. I have learned an insane amount of body stuff in mere months! I can feel my body mechanics are finally clicking into place, taking the strain off my wrists and hands when I let them just relax and keep good posture. There are about a thousand different things you have to keep in mind when are are first learning so that, in time, they come naturally. There are also different discoveries I've made about myself... like holding major tension in my shoulders and jaw all the time. Getting almost daily massage and belly dance have helped immensely though, I don't feel as tight as I once did. It's good I'm healing this stuff now, some people hold tension in their bodies their entire lives and have to deal with various body pains as they age and bad habits solidify in the fascia. Then of course it's blamed on old age... "you'll see someday, honey!"

I got my silver coin bra top in the mail today! I have to paint the beads black to match the belt and figure out what to do about the bra situation for *underneath* the coin bra but I put on the entire ensemble and it looks so silvery and lovely! I feel like a temple dancer clothed in moonlight, jangling her noisy coins and bells to scare away the evil spirits. :P Sunday all the belly dancers in class are getting together at Ophelia's to rehearse the dance, pick out and try dancing in our costumes together and possibly get some pictures taken. I need to figure out something tasty to bring...

I think tonight shall be aromatherapy bath night!

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Originally uploaded by ephemeral_arts
"Be relentless in your looking, because you are the one you seek." -Rumi

Sharing once again...


It's been a few years since I've blogged or shared anything with the general public. Life stuff, relationship drama, working too many hours and just plain hermit/healing mode has kept me from the public eye, by my own choice. As the next 4 months will find me finally emerging from my Saturn Return, I find myself renewed. If you don't know about your Saturn Return, it happens from about age 28-30 and turns your life upside down! Everything you are not supposed to be doing stops. Every person you are not supposed to be with anymore, goes away. Jobs change, life changes, you change. It's kind of like The Tower in the tarot cards. It dissolves the structure of what you thought you knew or were and wipes your spirit clean to begin again, perhaps back to the beginning. Life is just a big series of circles, isn't it? So anyway, I am reminded just how much about graphics and html I have completely forgotten or just don't know. I spent a couple hours making the background because I'm still getting to know this graphics program and it's slightly more complicated than I'm used to.

I hope to share my various inspirations, beautiful finds and people, quirky stuff, insights on aromatherapy and other healing modalities, passion for belly dance and whatever else I feel like! I'm starting an aromatherapy line and series of art with a belly dance / goddess theme that I will also share, as I gather things up to make a new go at an etsy site. All of this while practicing dance 6+ hours a week and going to massage therapy school full time. Whew!