
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Love and river magic

Yesterday I went down to the dock by the river at sunset like I normally do. It's a very nice stroll to the dock, very private and surrounded by nature and lots of green. I love it and look forward to it, even though it's gotten extremely muggy lately. As I was walking I began to feel a surge of love move through me. I started to laugh and everything I walked by I told I love you to. I love you cypress tree! I love you amazing dragonfly. I love you green grass, moss, dirt, clouds! I felt silly and free and I could feel my heart chakra opening up and freeing up the sadness I have been dealing with because of the painfulness of my beloved Gulf's crisis. I got to the river and sat on the dock. I usually say prayers for the river, the gulf, all of water really and ask that people be awakened and that love will prevail. Well I did that but I also started sending out massive waves of love. All of the sudden I look down where my legs are dangling and see this large snout poke up out of the water. I drew my legs up thinking it was an alligator but then noticed that the snout was smooth and grey and just then it blew out a puff of air and I saw the large grey body rise to the surface. A manatee! I've never seen a manatee in the river! I didn't even know they came in this far. She swam by and I saw her big flat tail swoosh under the water... it had a long white scar along it's entire surface. And then she was gone. I felt so blessed I just radiated happiness all over the place and couldn't contain myself. Of course I sent her love too. And a million thanks.


Lorianne Mariais said...

That is so wonderful! They do have that energy, it's incredible. I remember the first time I saw real life dolphins outside a cruise, I was blown away, in fact everyone was, i started crying! They have an incredible energy.. Oh and I've been telling I love you to every tree, flower, bee, bird, thing I come across, too.. Something's in the air! :)

KMG said...

That's awesome! That gives me hope that those mental efforts of prayer or goodwill or good energy really are heard and appreciated.

Shannon Lyn said...

Lorianne, I'm so not surprised! Sometimes I'll be thinking about something and then you post all about it, I think we were related in a past life (for sure actually). We will bring down and hold this vibration!

KMG, I'm happy to have inspired you! It does help, every bit, from every one. In fact, they have done studies that cancer patients can actually increase white blood cell count with visualization alone. I liken world visualizations to much of the same thing.

Lorianne Mariais said...

haha we're always linked in some way, it's funny :)

I was just reading up on a thing about friendships, and this part made me think of you:

"..“friends forever,” however they play out in your particular life situation, always seem to share three characteristics: (1) They have a capacity to grow with you (and you with them) through life’s changing circumstances; 2) They are low-maintenance, rarely-to-never imposing themselves or laying expectations on you; and 3) contact with them, when it comes, is never a duty, but always a gift “heart to heart.” Such friends—always a rare and special breed — have an uncanny knack for being able to stay in tune with you emotionally over huge gaps of time and space. Maybe you don’t hear from them for three years — or thirty — but then the phone rings and there they are again, and it’s like picking up as if you never left off."

I have no doubt we have, and so hope to meet up after we've moved. I even have a brother in FL who just got married. So many connections I'll be able to freshen up once we're there. Exciting times! <3

Shannon Lyn said...

Wow, that's amazing and so right on! I've had friends who came in phases, come and go and with them usually went some bit of drama or high maintenence stuff for sure! You and one other person (Georgia) have been with me since I was 17, it's just crazy. Years can pass and it's just like you said, somehow we are connected emotionally and going through the same stuff. You definitely need to visit FL, or me PR when you get there! I'm going to find my husband in PR anyway :P haha