
Friday, June 25, 2010

The new chapter, the uncertain chapter

The past few days have been nice. Graduation was good, I got caught up on some chores then had a date that night. He got me chocolate which was cute, and he was nice, but I felt no connection even though I was happy to hang out and chat for a bit.
Yesterday a classmate and I spent all day at the beach, swimming and lazing about on the sands and eating salad greens by the handfuls. I brought the fruit and we had our pita chips broken into by a thief crow! He flew off with one and we attempted to give him chase, his caws breaking through the sky like laughter. He pecked an awkward hole in the bottom of the bag which had crumbs spilling out everywhere for the rest of the duration of our trip! Later we went to my favorite beach to watch the sunset and had a ridiculously expensive margarita. The sunset was pink and orange and spread across the entire sky. We picked up shells and walked to the rocks and watched the almost-full moon come out. A 19 year old tried to pick me up on the dock. Fun times.

Now I am trying to organize my world and major uncertainties have come up. I have had a dream rather recently of my home being flooded and about a year ago I had a dream with a similar theme. I had another dream recently about the landlord wanting to 'drill for oil under the house' and how bad it would be but she wouldn't listen. I have done a tremendous amount of personal research on the gulf and have weeded through a lot of opinions, discarding things when my gut says 'move on'. I take the opinions of geologists more seriously, they don't have any reason to sensationalize anything and they aren't exactly glamorous reading, however certain things concern me which have a direct impact on my life and where I go from here.

There is a large quantity of methane under where the failed drilling is, which geologists are greatly concerned about. The first unstable sign of a methane release is fissures and cracks in the seabed, which is now happening. If methane is released a number of things could happen, one of them being a tsunami. I am reading this and feeling uneasy because it made me remember the dream I had last night, that I didn't even remember upon waking this morning. I don't want to be worried and fearful, but I want to be safe. I don't know where to go from here, but I'm getting a feeling I may have to leave Florida. I love it here and this makes me sad. Where do I go from here? More later, I have to think.

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